A woman's feet standing in a pool at the bottom of a waterfall with wavy pencil text saying "amamanita axaxaxanax glass seer" overlayed on top. A woman's feet standing in a pool at the bottom of a waterfall with wavy pencil text saying "amamanita axaxaxanax glass seer" overlayed on top.


Play I Play I skin milo 6:27
Play II Play II medusa 15:34
Play III Play III medusa (radio edit) 3:28

This is my first release as Amamanita Axaxaxanax Glass seer and features a more intense harsh noise sound. It was originally recorded live to air on Three D radio. It's not very good, it is here for archive's sake as the first Amamanita Axaxaxanax Glass Seer release.


Jakimalala Shandi - Radio

Animated Tragus - Tape Player

Camilla Hen Beheft - Vocals

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