A completely symmetrical, posterised fluffy blue object with a pink abstract shape in the middle, the album title is written top to bottom, left to right in two columns of 4 digits each right in the middle. A completely symmetrical, posterised fluffy blue object with a pink abstract shape in the middle, the album title is written top to bottom, left to right in two columns of 4 digits each right in the middle.


Play 01 Play 01 4B626c696d6261 pregabalin 12:41
Play 02 Play 02 53686974 4:10
Play 03 Play 03 socanx 7:57
Play 04 Play 04 10010114 17:16

This is the first of four "numbers" releases in 2019. It has a more ambient sound rather than noise. The shorter two tracks are okay but the others are lazy extended jam works. Originally released with no description on bandcamp.

https://screaming.beauty/10010114/ Copy Copied Failed Close